Potty Habits

When It Comes To Babies, A Blow Out Takes On A Whole New Meaning #MommyProblems

With my first little girl potty trained just in time for her sister’s arrival early this summer instead of having a few diaperless days we just traded the larger diapers for the itty bitty ones. Of course our newest family member’s toosh is the cutest on the planet, fitting into the palm of my hand, but I guess somewhere between those early days and potty training I’d forgotten the joys of poo poo explosions. Probably one of the most gag-worthy baby moments is a massive blowout demolishing not only the diaper but also the onesie and outfit too. It never ceases to amaze me how those adorable, miniature babies can produce such an explosive bowel movement that’s capable of so much destruction. Just a side note, remember when a blow out meant those quiet moments of your day when you’d go get your hair done? Yeah, well that term has taken on a whole new and grosser meaning since becoming a mommy, hasn’t it? Mommy problems.

When it comes to blow outs, both of my girls seem to defy all the odds, means of science, and just logic as a whole when it came to their pooping skills. In her short 3 months since her birth day, our newest little one has reminded me one too many times of those blow outs I became oh too familiar with only a few years before with her sister. It really is amazing how these tiny little human beings make these projectile, explosive bowel movements that are powerful enough to not only leak out of the diaper but literally go all the way up their back and if your lucky their front too. And of course I’m thrilled to see their systems working as well as they are but let’s be honest, is digging my fingers in stinky, gross poop on the outside of the diaper, giving my little one an impromptu bath because they were covered in poo from head to toe, and ending it all with scrubbing their adorable poop covered outfits to prevent permanent damage my favorite parts of being a mommy? No. 

Before having my girls I never imagined all that they were capable of in the pooping department, nor did I think I’d be paying so much attention. Did any of us really think before our babies arrived that everyday we’d think and talk about poop at least once a day? Albeit baby poop yes, but poop nonetheless. I can’t tell you how many times Dan and I have talked about the girls potty activities, and that’s just part of a normal day. And you know what, we love it. Not the poop part, but that our girls are our whole life, where we love talking about every single part of their lives. 

No matter how disgusting blow outs are, there’s something about looking at your adorably sweet little baby covered in poo that still makes you smile and laugh. When they just look at you with those loving and helpless big baby eyes you melt, even if they stink quite a bit and have added a couple extras to your to do list for the day. And even though a majority of these moments have happened while their daddy is at work, I may have taken a quick picture once or twice and sent it along to him just so he can partake in some of the fun. I mean he wanted pictures and updates right? Seriously though, I love every bit of my girls, even those tooshies that are capable of such unimaginable grossness. These blow outs are worth all of the kisses my big girl is covering me with as I type and the sweet smile that’s plastered on her blue eyed baby sister. 

My sweet girls, one potty trained, one not so much.
My sweet girls, one potty trained, one not so much.


